Custom Stone Statues: How to Commission a Unique Piece

Custom Stone Statues: How to Commission a Unique Piece


Stone statues have long been admired for their beauty, durability, and timeless appeal. Whether you’re looking to add a personal touch to your garden, commemorate a loved one, or create an eye-catching focal point for your home or business, commissioning a custom stone statue is a fantastic way to create a one-of-a-kind piece of art. However, the process of commissioning a custom statue can be a bit daunting if you’re unfamiliar with how it works. In this guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about commissioning a custom stone statue—from finding the right artist to ensuring the final piece exceeds your expectations.

Why Commission a Custom Stone Statue?

Commissioning a custom stone statue offers a number of advantages over purchasing a pre-made piece.

Personalization: A custom statue allows you to bring your vision to life, whether it’s an abstract form, a detailed likeness, or something entirely unique. You have full control over the design, material, size, and finish.

Sentimental Value: Custom stone statues are often created to commemorate important people, pets, or moments. A custom statue adds a deeply personal element that carries special significance.

Unique Art: Unlike mass-produced statues, a commissioned piece is a one-of-a-kind work of art that reflects your personal style and vision.

Timeless Investment: A stone statue is a durable, long-lasting piece that can be passed down through generations, making it a worthwhile investment.

Step 1: Clarify Your Vision

Before reaching out to an artist, take some time to clarify your vision for the statue. The more specific you can be about what you want, the smoother the commissioning process will be. Consider the following factors:

1. Purpose and Style
Purpose: Why are you commissioning the statue? Is it for a memorial, a decorative garden piece, or an artistic centrepiece for your home or office?
Style: Do you prefer a classical, realistic style, or something more modern and abstract? Look at other sculptures for inspiration and take note of specific elements you like.

2. Subject Matter
Figurative: If the statue will depict a person or animal, decide on the level of detail you want. Will it be a lifelike representation or something more stylized?
Abstract: If you prefer something more conceptual, think about the emotions or themes you want the piece to convey, such as strength, serenity, or movement.

3. Size and Placement
Size: Determine the size of the statue based on where it will be placed. Will it be a large, outdoor monument or a smaller, indoor piece? The dimensions of the space will dictate the scale of the statue.
Placement: Consider the location. Outdoor statues may require more durable materials to withstand the elements, while indoor statues can focus more on aesthetic details.

Step 2: Choose the Right Material

Stone statues can be crafted from a variety of materials, each with its own aesthetic qualities, durability, and cost considerations. Some popular choices include:

1. Marble
Appearance: Marble is known for its smooth, polished surface and luxurious appearance. It’s often used for detailed, classical sculptures.
Durability: Marble is durable but can be susceptible to weathering over time, making it ideal for indoor or protected outdoor use.
Cost: Marble is generally one of the more expensive stone options due to its quality and labour-intensive carving process.

2. Granite
Appearance: Granite is a harder stone with a rougher texture, giving it a more natural, rugged look.
Durability: Highly durable and resistant to the elements, making it a popular choice for outdoor statues.
Cost: Granite tends to be less expensive than marble but requires specialized tools for carving due to its hardness.

3. Limestone and Sandstone
Appearance: These softer stones offer a more rustic, weathered look that blends well with natural settings.
Durability: While they can be carved into intricate designs, they are more prone to erosion and weathering over time, making them better suited for decorative pieces in sheltered areas.
Cost: More affordable than marble and granite, but may require more maintenance.

4. Other Materials
Soapstone: A softer material that’s easier to carve, ideal for smaller, more detailed sculptures.
Concrete: A cost-effective alternative that can mimic the appearance of stone and is suitable for outdoor use.

Step 3: Find the Right Artist

Finding the right artist is crucial to ensuring your vision is brought to life. Here’s how to locate and evaluate potential sculptors:

1. Research Sculptors
Online Portfolios: Look for sculptors who specialize in stone and have portfolios that showcase work similar to the style and subject matter you’re envisioning.
Art Galleries and Exhibitions: Visit local galleries, art exhibitions, and outdoor sculpture parks to discover artists whose work resonates with you.
Recommendations: Ask for recommendations from friends, family, or colleagues who may have commissioned similar works.

2. Review Their Work
Consistency: Look for consistency in the artist’s quality of work. Their portfolio should demonstrate their skill in crafting detailed, well-executed sculptures.
Versatility: If you have a unique vision, choose an artist who is versatile and has experience working with different materials and styles.
Experience: Check if the artist has experience in creating custom commissions. Sculptors who have completed several commissions are more likely to understand the process and client expectations.

3. Ask Questions
Timeline: Ask about the artist’s availability and how long it will take to complete your project.
Process: Inquire about the sculpting process, including the materials they use, the tools involved, and whether they offer progress updates.
Cost: Be upfront about your budget, and ask for an estimated quote based on the size, material, and complexity of the statue.

Step 4: The Commissioning Process

Once you’ve selected an artist, the commissioning process typically follows a series of steps to ensure the final piece meets your expectations:

1. Initial Consultation
In this phase, you’ll discuss your vision in detail with the artist, sharing reference images, sketches, and any specific ideas you have. The artist may also visit the intended location of the statue to understand the space and how it will affect the design.

2. Conceptual Design and Sketches
The artist will create preliminary sketches or a small clay or 3D model (maquette) of the statue to give you a sense of how the final piece will look. This is your opportunity to provide feedback and request adjustments before the actual sculpting begins.

3. Sculpting
Once you’ve approved the design, the sculptor will begin carving the stone. Depending on the size and complexity of the statue, this phase can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months. Some artists will provide updates throughout the process, sending progress photos to ensure the statue aligns with your vision.

4. Final Review and Delivery
Once the statue is complete, you’ll have a final review to ensure it meets your expectations. If any minor adjustments are needed, the artist will make them at this stage. Afterward, arrangements will be made for delivery and installation of the statue at your chosen location.

Step 5: Installation and Care

After the statue is delivered, it’s important to ensure proper installation, especially for larger or outdoor pieces.

1. Installation
For larger statues, professional installation may be required to secure the piece properly. This could involve creating a foundation or pedestal to stabilize the statue and protect it from shifting or damage.

2. Maintenance
While stone statues are generally low-maintenance, regular cleaning and occasional sealing may be necessary to protect against weathering, staining, and erosion. Marble and softer stones, in particular, may require periodic upkeep to preserve their appearance.


Commissioning a custom stone statue is a rewarding process that results in a beautiful, one-of-a-kind piece of art tailored to your preferences. By clarifying your vision, choosing the right material, finding an experienced artist, and understanding the commissioning process, you can ensure that the final product is a stunning, lasting testament to your creativity and personal style. Whether it’s a memorial, a decorative piece for your garden, or a bold artistic statement, a custom stone statue is a timeless investment that will bring joy for years to come.

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